Jamia Millia Islamia invited applications for 2016-17 admission in MA Applied Psychology.

BA. (Hons.) in Psychology with not less than 50% marks.
With not less than 55% marks in other
Date and Time of Entrance Test:
09/06/2016 Thursday (09:00-10:45 am)
Last date for submission of Application Forms: 21-04-2016
UPS education is No.1 institute for MA Psychology Entrance coaching in India; we serve highest result in MA psychology Entrance exams for Major Universities like: DU, JMI, AUD, and BHU. We also provide distance learning material for MA Psychology Entrance Exams.
Contact us for more details:
UPS Education
Call: 9990717772
Web: www.upseducation.in, www.epsychology.in, www.bestpsychologycoaching.com