Rehabilitation council of India offer license for Clinical Psychologist as well as Rehabilitation Psychologist. This article will help to understand the differences between Rehabilitation Psychologist and Clinical Psychologist.
Rehabilitation Psychologist
Education Required: M.Phil in Rehabilitation Psychology
Role of Rehabilitation Psychologist is conceptualized within the scientist-practioner model. The trained Rehabilitation Psychologists are expected to help and assist persons who suffering from a wide variety of physical, sensory and developmental disabilities to achieve optimal psychological, social and physical functioning and to restore hope and meaning in their families.
The services provided by Rehabilitation Psychologists include:
- Assessment,
- Psychological counselling and therapies,
- Wellness promotion,
- Stress/conflict management,
- Supportive measures for caregivers,
- Education and consultation to involved community members, such as employers or teachers, and referrals to other specialists when needed.
Clinical Psychologist
Education Required: M.Phil in Clinical Psychology
Clinical Psychologists apply knowledge and methods from all substantive fields of biopsychosocial sciences for promotion and maintenance of mental health of individuals. Mental health problems are continuously on the rise owing to change in life style, habits and mounting stress in personal/occupational/social domains across various sections of the society.
Clinical Psychologist is expected to perform the following functions:
- Diagnose mental health problems.
- Conceptualize specific adult and child mental health problems within a psychological framework, giving due consideration to psychosocial/ contextual factors, and carryout relevant treatment/management.
- Apply psychological principles and techniques in rehabilitating persons with mental health problems and disabilities.
- Work with the psychosocial dimensions of physical diseases, formulate and undertake focused/targeted psychosocial interventions.
- Work with community to promote health, quality-of-life and psycho-logical well-being.
- Undertake research in the areas of clinical psychology such as, mental health/illness, physical health/diseases and relevant societal issues viz. misconception, stigma, discrimination, social tension, gender construction, life style etc.
- Undertake administrative and supervisory/decision-making responsibilities in mental health area.
Source: Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI)
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