Do M.Phil Clinical Psychology Get Stipend?

Stipend for mphil psychology course

Many students asked will they get a stipend to pursue an M.Phil degree in Clinical psychology in institutions like IHBAS, CIP Ranchi, NIMHANS, and RML? Or many want to know the name of institutions that allow stipend for M.Phil Clinical Psychology Students.

UPS Education India’s Best Institue for M.Phil Clinical Psychology Entrance Exams, apart from the help in entrance preparation, we always try to provide you all relevant information that helps you in many ways.

If we talk about the stipend, Yes! there are many institutes that offer a stipend to students who took admission in M.Phil Clinical Psychology.

After research, we have listed some most popular institutes that offer Stipend to M.Phil Clinical Psychology Students.

List of Colleges for M.Phil Clinical Psychology with their stipend

S.NoName of InstitutionNo. of seats in the courseStipend per month
1.NIMHANS, Banglore29₹25,000/-
2.CIP, Ranchi16₹25,000/-
3.RIMS, Imphal06₹25,000/-
4.GMCH, Chandigarh08₹12,000/-
5.IHBAS, Delhi11₹12,000/-
6.RML Hospital, Delhi08₹8,000/-
7.RINPAS, Ranchi12₹8,000/-
8.S.C.B College, Cuttack08₹7,000/-
9.GMA, Gwalior06₹2,500/-
10.IMHH, Agra10₹2,500/-

The table mentioned above, on the basis of previous records of each institution, changes in this data might be possible.

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