Gautam Buddha University M.Phil Clinical Psychology Entrance Result 2021

Gautam Buddha University M.Phil Clinical Psychology Entrance Result 2021

GBU Noida released the notice regarding the publication of results for the various entrance exams including M.Phil Clinical Psychology for the 1st phase conducted on 22nd July 2021.

Gautam Buddha University has conducted the Entrance test on 22-July-2021 for M.Phil Clinical Psychology for admission to the academic year 2021-2023, and In the first phase of the entrance test, they have considered applications received up to July 17, 2021.

As per the notice published on 26th July 2021 by GBU, it was mentioned that the result of the written test held on 22nd July will be available on 30th July 2021, and the Interview for the same is scheduled for 10th August 2021.

Click here to view the notice Published on 26th July 2021.

Today, the GBU has mentioned that the result which was scheduled to release on 30th July will now be available on 2nd August 2021

See the notice section of GBU’s website.

Gautam Buddha University M.Phil Clinical Psychology Entrance Result 2021

Stay tuned to our website for all details related to M.Phil Clinical Psychology Entrance exams and results.

Important Links:       

List of all RCI recognized Institutes for M.Phil. Clinical Psychology:

Join Online Classes to crack M.Phil. Clinical Psychology Entrance – Click here to see the course

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