IHBAS M.Phil Clinical Psychology Entrance 2020 Instructions and Admit Card uploaded

ihbas mphil clinical psychology entrance 2020

IHBAS has uploaded the Admit Card and instructions for the candidates appearing in M.Phil Clinical Psychology Entrance test on 20th September 2020 (Sunday).

So, the students appearing for the entrance test must read the instructions given below. Also, the entrance test will be held on two different exam centre according to the roll number of students as mentioned below:

Test Centres:

For Roll No. M.Phil./ET-001 to 350
New Oxford Public School, B-122 A, Ram Mandir, Vivek Vihar, Ph-1, New Delhi-110095, INDIA
For Roll No. M.Phil./ET-351 to 748
Queen Global International School, C-Block, Opposite GTB Hospital Gate Number-2, Next to IHBAS Gate No. 3, Dilshad Garden, Delhi-110095, INDIA

Specific Instructions

In the context of Covid19 Outbreak all the candidates appearing in the Entrance Test on 20th September 2020 for admission into M. Phil. Clinical Psychology Course for the session 2020-2022 must look at the following conditions and follow them strictly;

  1. Only eligible candidates and provisionally eligible candidates with final year result should reach the test venue with the Admit Card.
  2. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the test/ interview.
  3. The candidates will make their own arrangements for stay.
  4. Candidates must wear face mask, it is mandatory. Entry will not be allowed without face mask.
  5. Candidates are required to reach test venue alone, no accompanied person will be allowed in order to prevent unnecessary crowd at the test venue.
  6. Candidates must maintain adequate physical distancing at the time of entry and exit.
  7. Candidates will be required to use hand sanitizer before entering the examination hall.
  8. The entry will open at 9.00 am, the candidates must reach the test venue well in advance to avoid last hour rush.
  9. There will be Thermal Screening at the entry, candidates with high temperature will not be allowed along with the candidates with normal temperature. They will be seated separately.
  10. Test will commence at 10.30 a.m. and candidates are expected to be seated on their respective seats by 10.00 a.m.
  11. Entrance test (written) will be of one and Half (1.5) hours duration.
  12. Mobile Phones/laptop/tablets or any other electronic gadgets are strictly prohibited in the examination hall.
  13. Results of written test will be available on the same day by the evening after 7.00 pm on IHBAS website.

Download the admit card (Link given below), fill all the details, paste your recent color photograph, put your signature at relevant place and bring it with you for the test.

Students will not be allowed to sit in the test without admit card.

Click here to download your Admit Card and Instructions

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