NIMHANS M.Phil in Clinical Psychology Admission 2021.

NIMHANS has released online applications for M.Phil in Clinical Psychology.

National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS) is based in Bengaluru, it is a premier mental health institute in India. The establishment of NIMHANS dates back to colonial times as Dr. Charles Irwing Smith (A British Medical practitioner) established a lunatic asylum. It is an institute of National Importance. In 1994 NIMHANS was declared as a Deemed University, which has academic autonomy.

NIMHANS has released their online applications for the M.Phil in Clinical Psychology and PhD in Clinical Psychology course for the session 2021. Candidates who have been waiting for the admission form can now apply and the necessary details are mentioned below.

Ph.D in Clinical Psychology

Eligibility: M.Phil. in Clinical Psychology OR M.Phil. in Mental Health and Social Psychology OR 2 years Master’s Degree in Applied Psychology/ Clinical Psychology/ Counselling Psychology/ Psychological Counselling/ Psychology.

No of seats: 03

M.Phil in Clinical Psychology

Eligibility: 2 years Master’s degree in Applied Psychology / ClinicalPsychology / Counselling Psychology / Psychological Counselling / Psychology.

No of Seats: 32 (26 all India category, 03 Karnataka state domicile, 03 sponsored category)

Date of the advertisement: 06/April/2021

Exam Pattern: The question paper for the Entrance test will contain multiple choice objective type questions. The duration of the test for each course will be 90 minutes and the number of questions to be answered is 100.

The End of the application date: 25/April/2021.

The entrance exam will be conducted in Bangalore city.

Date of the Entrance exam: 12th, 13th& 14th May 2021

Date of Result announcement: 24.05.2021

Application fees: ₹1500/- for General Catagory.

Emoluments: Rs. 25,000/- per month + Rs. 15,000/- as Contingency Grants per annum.

Fees: Total 25140/-

Click here to apply now.

Please click on this link to download the prospectus.

For details Call us at 9990717772.

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