Psychology is a vast and fascinating course and is divided into several specializations. The degree in psychology is primarily offered in both science as well as arts streams. The period of the psychology course varies depending on the type and level of the program (undergraduate or postgraduate) (full-time, part-time, certificate, etc.). The UG-level programs last three years for a full-time program, whereas the PG-level programs last two years.
The psychology course curriculum includes both theoretical and practical instruction. The initial step to becoming a mental health professional such Counsellor, Clinical Psychologist, or Counseling Psychologist is clearing and qualifying in the various entrance exams that are conducted to gain admission to good institutions that are available in our country.
Knowing how to prepare for each entrance exam and thoroughly researching the university’s curriculum before applying surely help. After submitting an application, the next step is to continue with the entrance exam syllabus and begin your preparations accordingly.
This book will serve as a guide for psychology students who want to keep up with their fundamental ideas and gain a clearer understanding of the psychology disciplines and notions. Through analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of each topic, the students will be better able to prepare for their tests.
This book has clear explanations that are provided chapter-wise, followed by practice questions such as diagram labeling, explanations, and objective questions that will help the student learn more and assess themselves.
The chapter objectives include all of the topics that will help students improve their ability to respond to objective questions during examinations. The best resources for answering objective questions are points of reference since they are concise and clear, which helps to eliminate misunderstanding and difficulty with the topics during the exam. The learner should read a chapter’s entirety before continuing with the practice questions provided after each chapter.
This book will serve as a guide for psychology students who want to keep up with their fundamental ideas and gain a clearer understanding of the psychology disciplines and notions. Through analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of each topic, the students will be better able to prepare for their tests. This book has clear explanations that are provided chapter-wise, followed by practice questions such as diagram labeling, explanations, and objective questions that will help the student learn more and assess themselves.
The chapter objectives include all of the topics that will help students improve their ability to respond to objective questions during examinations. The best resources for answering objective questions are points of reference since they are concise and clear, which helps to eliminate misunderstanding and difficulty with the topics during the exam. The learner should read a chapter’s entirety before continuing with the practice questions provided after each chapter.
The Key Points of this book are as follows:
Labelling Section: The sections of the book largely consist of all the illustrations for the chapter-by-chapter diagrams that the learner must mark. The labeling method will aid the students in fully memorizing the parts and pictures of the diagrams more thoroughly. This section of labeling will help the learner to raise the level of interest, increase the capacity to retain information, make complicated ideas clearer and it will improve the student’s memory as well.
Explanation Section: The student will have the opportunity to express his or her point of view on the specific subjects discussed in the chapter in this section. The student’s limited response options will force them to communicate their ideas more succinctly and allow them to concentrate more on the terminology. Additionally, it makes learning more motivating.
This method of explanation will assist the students in properly understanding the concepts as well as in memorizing the information they have learned throughout the chapters. The student will benefit from the book’s restricted space as they master the art of explaining ideas in the least number of words.
Fill In the Blanks Section: The student can begin this task if they have gained insight from the pointers. Only if the learner has carefully read the pointers in the provided chapters can they successfully complete the corresponding sections. The use of fill-in-the-blank questions will offer a great way to assess a student’s understanding of a certain topic.
There are two terms or two correct responses for each statement, and both of them are accepted as true in many cases. Additionally, it minimizes students guessing and improves their learning of the statements and generation of the appropriate responses or terminologies.
Objective Questions: Objective tests are significant because they assess a student’s abilities at every level, from memory to synthesis. It helps in attaining knowledge at various learning levels. These questions include true/false, multiple choice, and matching exercises which should be attempted by the students.
Learning Cards or Psychological Cards: In this book, there is a fun activity for the students to remember the relevant terminologies with the help of these Psychological Cards. These cards are designed in such a way that it includes cues on both sides, which are intended to be used as a clue in memorization.
In order to use these cards, the student can cut out the cards and fold them from any of the sides and collect all the cards of that particular chapter and with the help of an individual they revise the term representation or they can memorize the term itself.
After the completion of the book, the student in order to test their knowledge can also mix all the cards together and with the help of an individual, s/he can practice the same activity as done chapter-wise. If the student is using similar vocabulary having similar meaning it will also be considered as a correct answer.
Practice Questions Section: Once the individual has finished all the chapters, they can evaluate themselves in which subject they have mastered and which subject requires more help. The questions in this series are objective-based practice tests. Only if the student has carefully read through each chapter and each tip offered in the book with complete focus and attention will the student be able to perform successfully.
Previous Year Question Papers: The students will learn the important subjects covered by the syllabus in this book’s last segment. The questions from prior years also give students a sense of the types of questions that were asked in the past, which will help them to comprehend the formats of the questions in the upcoming tests.
This book has various concepts for psychology aspirants which will help them to provide a chance of forming well-built educational concepts with a clear understanding of their upcoming competitive exams. With this book, we just aim that you succeed. Wishing you all the best.
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Important Links:
Click here for –Online GATE Psychology Coaching
Master’s Psychology Entrance: A Complete Guide by —UPS Education
Click here for –Benefits of Clearing the GATE Psychology Entrance Exam
Click here for – MA/M.Sc Psychology Colleges for non-psychology students
Click here for – List of Universities/Colleges offering Master’s degree in Psychology.
List of all RCI recognized Institutes for M.Phil. Clinical Psychology:
Click here for guidance and help for M.Phil. Clinical Psychology:
Join Online Classes to crack M.Phil. Clinical Psychology Entrance – Click here to see the course
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